Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ramblings from a possilbly deeply disturbed mind

Just random things that have run through my day...

Something you just don't hear every day..."last night I got an okra seed stuck up my hole." (Speaker anonymous for her own protection) You gotta' admit...taken out of context this one sentence is pretty hysterical. I wheezed and snorted and guffawed.

I find it disturbing that the ice cream trucks drive down the street with "La Cucaracha" blaring.

My dog Lester is a disturbed carpet licker and it's making Fiona and myself nuts. Owen cannot decide which dog bed he wants to lie in. He's now made it to all three this evening. It's like a poodle reenacting Goldilocks and the Three Bears. There's too much breeze in this bed. And this bed is not soft enough and it's too close to the cat. I guess I will lie in the new bed with my back to everyone in case the bears come back to eat me.

Why is it that I cannot wait to get home at night to rest after work and then within an hour I am bored and making myself cranky? Damn ADD!!

I am REALLY tired of reading about people being mean and nasty to other people. What is wrong with you!! Stop it!!

Whoever thought of putting pajamas on baby goats is a freaking genius!!!!

I miss laughing with Julie and Inez.

I have only ever wanted to be loved and to love in return. That doesn't seem so much to ask.

I shall now sacrifice myself to the tiny succubi in my back yard so the dogs can go potty. If I disappear check the mosquito dens for me.


  1. Guess I too must have ADD as your ramblings make me laugh, cringe (orka seed, ice cream trucks, and mosquitoes), sigh and smile. Perfect ramblings for a precious one who sees the quiet and small moments of life! P.S. .... is there a map of mosquito dens?????

  2. Just look for the really big, bloated ones who cannot fly anymore.


Honoring the All

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