I cannot seem to come up with a theme that is not bitter and depressed sounding so I think I will just go with random things that have struck me recently.
The r key on my computer keeps sticking or not working and it's pissing me off to no end. It seems like it shouldn't be a big thing but it's really annoying. Do you know how many words have r's in them?
Cats are sadistic voyeurs. Kitten Face has decided to come into the bedroom every morning as I am trying to get dressed and am at my least clothed and demand attention. I suspect she is looking for denim to molest but if there is none in the offing she just goes for pets at the most awkward time. Worse yet she looks at me with those judgmental eyes..."I see you're still fat mommy"...how's about I slice off some of that for you with my handy toenails? She also stares at my boobs as if they are going to somehow leap off my chest and attack her...it's very disconcerting. The other day she came into the bathroom for her "captive audience" dance and requisite petting frenzy. She sat down in front of me and then noticed the little strings on my shorts. I cannot find the words to explain the way the life of my coochie flashed before its eyes (I know just go with the imagery here) as she began to expand her pupils to 5 times their normal size and began trying to chew/attack the strings. If a vagina could panic and scream in terror mine would have done so. She's staring at me from her cat post right now with a look of both adoration and contempt. How do they do that??
I took the boys outside a bit ago thinking they might need to potty. It's such a nice evening for a change. We were just hanging out listening to the near deafening chorus of cicadas when I noticed a mosquito the size of the Titanic on Biscuit's back so in the house we came. My illegal furniture refinishing neighbor has pretty much just abandoned the house next door and so the yard has not been mowed all summer. The crop of mosquitoes squatting in her yard is impressive and they are hungry and making my life hell. Today...on my nice quiet Saturday she sent a power washing guy over to try and clean up the mess she made on the back patio and to clean out the trees (that's no joke...they were small saplings) out of the gutters. The poor guy was here for five hours!! So much for the quiet.
My other neighbor is an older lady who likes to tell me what I should do in my yard. It's a bit annoying really. Anyway...her child uses her for a day care. As a child who was dumped on my grandmother's crazy doorstep most of my childhood I can tell you this is not a fun way to spend your summer. There are a couple of kids in the neighborhood close to her age but that's it. Tonight they brought her for what looked like an overnight. She had her little back pack with her. (You are probably asking yourself...how does she know all this...well...I will tell you...my front door was open and they park their car in my line of sight EVERY single time.) They drop her off and about 10 minutes later they cruise back up and dad has a happy meal hanging out the window for the child to run out and pick up.
Quite honestly I am surprised he didn't make her catch it as they drove by the house. Now, maybe she's a good grandma and she loves her granddaughter and doesn't mind but come on people. You chose to have a child. The least you can do is get your lazy, grown up ass, out of the car and take your child her dinner...such as it is. I hope she got a good toy. I am being bitter again...dammit!
I better stop now while I am ahead.
R keys are very annoying, cats and naked flesh quite frightening, little children deserve more. Will see her in counseling later and dumb struck parents wondering why. Emphasis on dumb. Well done quirky observant bear!