Some of you may have noticed that I have not been my usual, jovial, snarky self lately. Well I cannot excuse my behavior but I will try to explain it a bit.
I have been out of sorts for about 3 weeks now due to some health issues. As a result I have been erratic, moody, pre-occupied, angry, absent and okay...all within the same 15 minute time frame sometimes. Mostly...right now I am pre-occupied and I just don't have a lot of emotional energy to give folks.
Here's the deal...I went to a new GP and he did the routine blood work. He said my thyroid was elevated by one point over the high so he wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure "there was nothing growing on it." Well...turns out my thyroid is enlarged and I have multiple nodules on both sides. Some of them are "suspicious looking". So I had to sit with this for 2 weeks until they could run a thyroid uptake scan. I took a radioactive iodine pill and let it absorb for 24 hours and then they measured the rate the thyroid took up the iodine in order to produce the hormone.
Evidently my thyroid is an overachiever because it came back at 40 whereas it's usually in the 20s. This means it is showing hyperactive. Then they did 3 ten minutes scans/x-rays. On the upside the high absorption rate means it should give them a really good look at the
thyroid and the nodules. On the down side...and this is where the moodiness comes in...some of the nodules might be cancerous. We don't know yet for sure. Hopefully I will know something tomorrow.
So that's it really...I have been struggling with whether to wait to post anything until I know for sure but folks are wondering. I am out of sorts because I don't know if I have thyroid cancer or not and that's making me a bit erratic. I am hoping the odds are in my favor because thyroid cancer is rare but unitl they tell me something the being in limbo is a bit stressful to say the least.
So I apologize if I have been a bit cranky with anyone. I am trying not to be but some days I am just holding it together with masking tape. You will all have to bear with me until I process my way through this news and try to make sense of where I go from here. eyeballs are getting fuzzy so I must say goodnight.
Like Pooh and Piglet...not alone.