Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Random rubbish blowing through my mind like fall leaves

Ah...Fall...I love this time of year...temps are cooling...leaves are changing...candy is in's all good.

These are some random things that have been breezing through my brain lately.

Tis' the season when mother nature plays funny games with my ageing eyesight. This is how they should test older drivers. If you jump and hit your brakes every time a suspiciously squirrel-like leaf blows across the road in front of are good.

Speaking of eyesight issues. The other day I got a rather innocent e-mail at work and I just lost it. A full on case of the simples. Laughing, snorting, wheezing, more laughing, trying not to pee, more snorting. It had nothing to do with the e-mail or the person who sent it. It was just the fact that my eyes and my brain interpreted "art-teast" as "art teets". I's not that funny...but at the time I thought the way my brain misread the word was hysterical. I've been doing that a lot lately and mishearing the conversations of my co-workers. At least I am pretty sure they weren't talking about fornication in the front lobby.

Poor Lamar Odom! One would have thought that being found unconscious in a Nevada brothel would be the complete rock bottom one could hit. But no...the media has to note that he has been hanging out at said brothel for four days taking herbal Viagra and drinking Cognac. It's not bad enough that he might lose his life but..."come on man"...this is just too much.

Sign at local church...Octoberfest...Nov. 1st. I will just let that sit for a bit.

Speaking of religion...I noticed a guy the other day with lots of Christian stuff all in his manly truck windows and a big JESUS tattoo on his arm. The next day I saw a semi-trailer with JESUS painted in ginourmous red letters. Now...loving Jesus is all well and good but I'm thinking he would have preferred that you spent that money on the poor. I'm just sayin'!

I wonder what the Guinness Book of Records holds as the longest one can go without vacuuming one's carpet when one has several pets? Just particular reason. Ahem...moving on....

I found myself having a debate with myself the other morning over whether or not I should wear the black socks I just pulled out of the sock hug fest in my drawer even thought they did not quite match or should I just go with it...who will notice...sad to say I just went for it and now my sock drawer has two, lonely, mismatched socks.

Can someone explain to me why Kitten Face feels the need to shred me in the morning before I get dressed for work? She was particularly vicious this morning. I suspect she is practicing for the day she works out how to open the cans of cat food and no longer needs my opposable thumb.

How can a reasonable person be expected to haul themselves out of bed in the morning when it's still dark outside??? That's just WRONG!!

I feel like I may be trying to catch a cold so be prepared...there could be a whiny...lengthy blog...full of phlegm references in the near future.

In the mean time...I shall try to clean the litter boxes before I head off to bed...unless of course I get distracted again...oh look...a chicken!!!

1 comment:

  1. And may fall's breezes continue to stir such delightful quirky rubbish! I personally think the car's tail lights, in fall, should have an image of a squirrel that pops up every time I hit my brakes. At least I could tell the driver screaming WTF! .... I told you! Well done....


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