Holy crap! It's a Turkey Buzzard!! Now I live a block off a very busy road and I can see the Kum N' Go from my front windows so it's not like I am out in the country. So...said Turkey Buzzard, completely oblivious to the fact that he/she is ruining my appetite, plopped down and started doing what buzzards do...you know circle of life crap. Next thing I know here comes one of the neighborhood cats...of which there seem to be a multitude...and he/she decides to challenge the buzzard to a duel over the squished squirrel.
The Buzzard won that battle with a stretch of the wings, which convinced the cat that, yes, that buzzard is twice as big as me. The cat still hung in there though even though he/she retreated to a safer distance. Finally the buzzard lost interest and wandered over to the curb. Then the cat got all saucy and ran right at the bird...which just flew off making sarcastic anti-feline comments. The cat sauntered over and checked out the flat squirrel offering but decided that was just a bit too gross for him/her.
I finished my supper and came back into the living room and walked over to the front door to check out the naturalistic tableau and what should I see...a gopher...seriously people. It was running around the front yard and then would scoot back under my neighbor's house. I wonder if it is a relative of the gopher I wrangled out from under Martha's car at our old building. It is really close. Anyway...a gopher.
So I am going to sit here on my couch and keep an eye out for the next chapter. Who knows what might come roaming down the street next. Stay tuned....
Keep an eye out for Marlin Perkins and Jim! Any minute now Jim could be wrestling the buzzard and gopher! Watch out Owen!!!