I have consulted with another...ahem...older lady friend who has confirmed that I am not alone so I have decided to share my urinary adventure.
So...the boys and I headed out for a drive and I did my usual and stopped by Sonic for a large Coke for the journey. Standard. Along about and hour and a half into our 3 hour cruise I realize that I have to pee. Hmmm???? Options? Well since I was some where out by La Russell when I first noticed the urge I was kind of screwed. I could try and find a secluded spot and risk a full moon spotting in the late afternoon sunshine. I could make a trek over toward Sarcoxie to find an actual restroom. Neither sounded appealing and I am incredibly stubborn and procrastination is my superpower. We drove on.
Yet...despite my advanced degree and the fact that I consider myself to be a pretty smart cookie I just continue to drive and choose to acknowledge the urge postponing the inevitable. It's like urinary denial sets in. I just continued on my way and kept driving and kept ignoring. So...here I am out in the country and I have to pee like a racehorse and do I stop to do anyting about it...noooooo....do I continue drinking my Coke....yessssss.
As I was coming back into Carthage I had a fleeting moment where I thought oh...the urge seems to have gone. That was the stupid part of my brain. The smart side was saying...oh shit...this can't be good. Shortly thereafter I noticed the goosebumps...but did I stop...oh hell no. At this point I am afraid to try the convenience store. Better to wait. Shit!!!
Do I drive straight home to take care of the situation getting more desperate by the moment. Noooo...of course not...I stop at Burger King to get dinner. As I am coming down Maiden Lane I am telling the boys that they are going to have to wait until mommy goes pee. Baker demonstrates his understanding of the situation by leaping from the passenger seat onto my lap/bladder. Nice...son!
I get home and managed to remember and grab my Whopper before I exit the car. I find the house key first and tell the boys to stay. Then I exit the car and holy shit...it's like bladder containment at DEF CON 40! I am trying to get the door unlocked while clamping my fat thighs as tightly together as is humanly possible. I make it the dining room and think shit...what do I do with my Whopper. I waddled over to the couch and then headed for the bathroom. My legs are clinched together so tight I could be making pearls for all I know. I also know that I am losing containment.
My bladder finally gives up and starts without consent. Hussy!! I race to the toilet and whip my shorts down and let it fly. Thank goodness I was heavily prepared with the highest quality bladder containment systems. These were clearly desingned for stubborn doofuses like me. I replaced my inner thigh levees and congratulated those that gave their lives to protect my carpet. The boys then got to go potty and have dinner. It must have been stressful for them as well because they are crashed out here on the couch and have been all evening.
I know there's probably a sensible moral to this story but I am sure I will continue to ignore and play Russian Roulette with my bladder. Some girls just never learn.