Sunday, January 10, 2016

Trying to find the light switch

When I was a kid there was some sort of unwritten and unspoken code in my house. Once the lights go out and we are in bed the lights do not come back on for any reason until morning. I have no idea when or why this policy started. I suspect it had something to do with three people living in tight quarters together and trying not to wake the sleeping, angry father. So I have always navigated around the house in the dark at night. Some nights my bladder is crankier than others and I make a lot of trips to the bathroom. All the while...trying to navigate sleeping dogs and a lurking cat. The point is...that even as an adult I don't turn on the light. Even though there is no one else to wake...I still walk around in the dark.

My life has been a fine example of this lately. I am still trying to find the humor in my Christmas holiday from hell but I'm just not there yet. Right before I was supposed to leave for my lovely week off in Colorado my darling cousin passed away. I would never leave without saying a final good bye to her sweet soul so I waited to leave until after her service. I got to Colorado on Tuesday. By Thursday they were issuing blizzard warnings so I had to come home on Friday. That is a LONG way to drive on such a quick turnaround.

I get home safe and sound and the Biblical deluge begins. By Saturday evening I had 4 feet of water in my basement. I was sitting here Saturday night minding my own business when I realized I smelled smoke and there was some smoky type substance floating in the air. I hopped up and tried to find a fire thinking I should do so BEFORE I called the fire department. Don't ask why...I have no clue. It finally dawned on me that it must be my furnace so I raced to shut if off and the smoke cleared.

Sunday my landlord brought over two more sump pumps and got the one in the basement working but it still took a couple of hours to get the water out. Meanwhile I am trying to keep the house warm with a space heater and the oven. As I went to bed Sunday night I plugged in my other little heater and it promptly blew a breaker. I have no idea where I set my flashlight down so I am walking around in the pitch black using my cell phone to try and find the flashlight. I find it and head outside into the pouring rain to check the breakers.

Because you see...for some brilliant reason unknown to me my breaker box is on the OUTSIDE of the house. I surf down the hill in the mud. Get to the box and cannot remember how to open it. I get it open but because of where it is on the house, the slope of the yard and my lack of height...I cannot tell which breaker it is so I just flip them all and try to make my way back up the slope sliding in the mud and rain. And no...I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea to touch an electrical box in the pouring rain. I was not thinking at that moment.

So I piled on blankets and went to sleep on the couch. I use the term sleep very loosely because it was very chilly and miserable. Nothing can be fixed right away because so many people are in the shame shape or worse than me. So by Monday I make the executive decision to take the dogs to the vet and I move into a local hotel. I shuttle back and forth to take care of Kitten Face. By Wednesday I get my heat back on. But still no hot water. I moved back home because I had heat and well...I could figure out the hot water thing later.

All in all I was 9 days without hot water. My wonderful friend Catina not only allowed me to invade her sacred space and take a shower but she also made me a great dinner and sent me home with leftovers and a bag of cookies. I am very blessed to have countless people offer me their spare rooms and showers but I...of an introverted...anxious mess...and put it off as long as possible. I really am better off by myself in times of stress.

Then to add to my joy I caught a cold. At this point I was having concerns that I had REALLY pissed off the universe in some way, shape or form. Things at my house are fairly back to normal...except for the fear it might collapse in on itself at any time. The basement is a little dodgy you see. So I have been struggling to find the light switch. The house in my heart is still dark you see. I try and pretend that things are all honky dory when they are not. I miss my cousin's joyful existence. I miss the comfort zone I used to have in my house. My head is pounding from my usual sinus issues. I am worried about my dog that cannot walk. I am worried about my 3 legged dog who likes to chase the cat around. I am stumbling around in the dark...trying not to step on anyone as I seek whatever it is I am seeking. So...if any of you know where the light switch is can you please flip it on for me because I am having trouble finding it on my own.

Honoring the All

As a young girl I grew up with parents who came of age so to speak during World War II. My mom graduated high school in 1945 and four o...